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   What we do

Fission Measurements

Why are we interested in fission?

Nuclear fission is one of today's main sources of energy

Nuclear fission is a way of producing energy in a carbon-free way

New generation nuclear reactors will be 100% safe. The so called ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems) will be sustained at subcritical level and be constantly powered by an accelerator, which acts as on ON/OFF switch.

New generation reactors will also be able to produce energy by burning existing nuclear waste, thus minimising the problem of environment contamination.

Apart from uranium and nuclear waste, new generation reactors will operate on alternative fuel, such as the Thorium cycle.

What exactly do we do?

To aid in the design and the development of modern nuclear energy systems, high quality nuclear data with low uncertainties are urgently needed. Our group has long been a member of CERN's n_TOF family and has participated in many of its experimental campaigns. Among these were the measurements of the fission cross section of 239Pu, Np, 230Th and 241Am. Another such measurement, 243Am, is currently being prepared and will take place in 2022.

Bonus: Fission Explained!

  Fission Play-doh Video

(n,xn) Reactions

Why are we interested in (n,xn) reactions?

(n,xn) reactions have a wide use for nuclear technology, as the behaviour of the structural materials of reactors and other apparatus needs to be examined under radiation.

Their study is important both for fission and for fusion projects, as the propagation and stopping of neutrons is important in both.

Apart from applications, the study of (n,xn) reactions can aid basic research as well. Experimental data can be used to validate and improve theoretical models and help us gain a better understanding of the various underlying reaction mechanisms.

What exactly do we do?

Our group has been actively participating in neutron induced reactions measurements for many years and in various facilities. Our most recent (and still ongoing) such experimental campaign was the study of (n,2n) reactions on a number of rare earth isotopes, such as 165Ho and Dy. A future campaign currently being prepared concerns the study of neutron inelastic scattering through gamma spectroscopy.

Bonus: Neutron Scattering Explained!

  Scattering Play-doh Video


Why are we interested in simulations?

Simulations are a big part of all experimental campaigns. When a measurement is still at planning level, detailed simulations, modelling and pre-calculations (called a feasibility study) need to be carried out, in order to optimise the experimental set-up and have an estimate of the expected counting rates.

During the analysis phase, models of detectors can be used to better understand their behaviour and extract correction factors for mechanisms that we cannot experimentally pinpoint.

What exactly do we do?

In our group we use dedicated toolkits that simulate the propagation of radiation through matter, including even complex physical procedures. In this way, we create accurate models of our detectors that help us better understand their behaviour and unfold the underlying physical mechanisms, so as to correctly interpret our experimental data. The main simulation toolkit we use in our group is the C++ based GEANT4, but we also employ the python based FLUKA. Both are freely distributed by CERN.

Radioactive Ion Beams

Why do we use radioactive ion beams?

Our existing knowledge of nuclear physics is only based on ~200-300 "easily accessible" nuclei. Nothing is known for the rest ~3500!!

By employing radioactive ion beams, we can access many more exotic nuclei and study exotic phenomena such as island inversion and neutron halo.

These studies of isotopes can aid in our better understanding of astrophysical processes and even cosmology.

Radioactive ion beams can produce specific isotopes that are used for diagnostic or/and therapeutic reasons, thus having many applications in medicine.

What exactly do we do?

Our group has been collaborating with CERN's ISOLDE for a good number of years. Our most recent involvement was for the 2018 IS651 experiment, in which the nuclear shell evolution in the island of inversion was studied through the 28Mg(t, 30Mg)p reaction.